Monday, June 13, 2011

And the marathon of blogging must begin...

Almighty so I'm behind I crammed a lot of living into the last few days so I may have to catch up in several posts.

I'll start with Wednesday. Holy early morning. 3am our train to lisboa left!!! It was intense. Train travel is slow and long, but I slept for a while and when I wasn't sleeping it was fun to see the countryside. We arrived in lisboa (in Spanish and portugese its lisboa and in English its Lisbon not sure why) at 10 am. There is a time change between the countries which seems silly. Any who it was so wonderful to get in a cab and say "english or espanol." and he replied "English, I have no idea how to speak spanish." haha I didn't realize no one speaks Spanish, literally no one. But anyway 6 euro cab ride later we got to our hotel, well a holiday inn, not our holiday inn. We attempted to check in but we were at the holiday inn a few miles from the one the cab took us to, so we walked. But oh well ya win some you loose some. It was an adventure.

We decided we needed food, and I had heard of a trolley that just kinda takes you through Lisbon to get a feel for the city. We asked our wonderful hotel staff of how to get there, and they told us that we could get daily metro passes for 4 euro a day. BEST DEAL OF OUR LIVES we lived on the metro in Lisbon I swear. So we found a cafe close to the metro, attempted portugese food which was the same as Spanish except even stricter regulations on free water! I don't know if I have said that glasses of water aren't really free here, some places yes, some places you ask for a glass you get a 2 euro bottle, and in Portugal YOU ALWAYS GET THE BOTTLE! Our last day we were begging the waiter for tap water. Sorry I got sidetracked there. So after lunch we found this trolley and it was so cute. Totally San fransico style. My first impression of portugal was that is is an ugly dirty version of Spain. but the more i looked at it the more I liked it. The city is situated on the tejo river but it's at the mouth to it's really wide and close to the Atlantic ocean. After the trolley we walked along the river cause it was gorgeous.

Lakshmi had heard of an aquarium in Lisbon that was "badass" so we hopped on a bus and went out there when we got bored. I am so glad we did. The area around the aquarium is like the science center in DES moines. A lot of education and kids mixed with a little bit of party. We decided not to go into the aquarium because two girls from our group weren't there yet, but there were these sweet cable cars that started at the aquarium and went along the water. So we rode those down and found ourselves at a strip of bars. Naturally we stopped. Haha then post one drink at 3 in the afternoon we went shopping. Oh h&m how we bonded. But oh well it was the first time any of us had really shopped so it was good. And we went cheap for dinner and ate at the food court of the mall.

We were so tired after this marathon day we just went back to the hotel (via our lovely metro) and chilled.

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