Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 3: soy un estudiante de la universidad de valladolid

Well I am definitely going to know a lot of spanish when I arrive. We are just surrounded by it and the people are really good about correcting me and teaching me new words. We still just have a host dad, our mom is supposed to come home today but no sign of her yet. He loves her so much he always tells us about her. Last night was really fun we ate dinner with our dad ( he has his neighbor cook us lunch because its the big meal of the day but we had leftovers for dinner at 9pm) then we talked with him and learned all about his family, no kids and designed bombs for the government for 46 years. And of course we heard all about mari, su mujer. Well then we went out with the group at 11 no one sleeps here hehe Luis showed us the town there is is a plaza in the center that is great for meeting everyone. Its been fun we just all sat in a bar together but it isn't like here no one gets drunk it's just a place to hang out. Wine is like 2 bucks a glass! Anyway when in spain do as they do! So today we had a placement test at the university to see which class we are right for. Then we had a tour of the city and learned a lot about the huge old churches here. For breakfast we just had hot cocoa then we don't eat lunch until 2 but it's a big meal and after we did as the spainards do and napped til 6!! They shut down the whole city from 2-5 so everyone can eat and sleep it's so awesome cause then they get so much more done...ok well I'm having fun no worries I miss everyone tho!


  1. I want to nap. :) Sounds like a perfect eating and sleeping schedule in my opinion.

  2. 2 phrases to learn in any language

    Cantinero,cerveza por favor! or vino blanco

    for later: Donde esta el cuarto de damas!
